We create online experiences and campaigns that enhance the power of offline activities and extend messages though the digital medium.

Our strategic experts work with closely with you to create brand and/or communication strategies based on your goals and objectives. Once your vision has been articulated for our needs, we set our focus and quanitify resource requirements.

The XRAY Development Process includes information design that is optimized for controlled transmission to individuals, specific user groups or for broadcast to wider audiences. Whether composing content for personalized SMS messages, operational database driven applications, corporate intranets, community web sites, eLearning portals or corporate video broadcasts, our efficiently managed process ensures that the appropriate expert resources such as communication specialists, editors or artists are assigned.

We transform concepts and messages into compelling compelling stories and presentations that illuminate your audience. Our development group selects and tailors the optimal communication platform for your needs creating enhancements as required in order to allow us, or empower you, to manage your communications moving forward with maximum efficiency.


Yellow Brick House provides emergency shelter, counselling and education for women and their children...

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